What's Cakin'- Sweet Corn
Where has July gone???? I had intention of posting this at the beginning of the month (but, the cake wasn't done) and then....well, I am not sure what happen, but here we are. So the good news is we are featuring the Frank Family with their awesome sweet corn, the bad news is they will not have anymore corn for a couple weeks. Hopefully again the middle of August:)

Ryan & Heidi Frank and their 4 kids all work together in bringing to you a summer staple.... good home grown Iowa sweet corn!! (I have had sweet corn in other state and lets just say, IOWA grows the best:) They plant different varieties to bring you different options, but all so very good.

To Top it off they have some of the cutest corn pickers around:)

Their sweet corn is for sale (when available) off the Mediapolis Blacktop, at the end Eberhardt Repair lane. You can see the sign from the road.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer.