New Phase
You know that phase of life with little kids around your feet, needing your attention, hearing "Mom, Mom, MOMMMM!"? The phase you discover that sleep is not a required thing to survive, but is wanted so bad. And yes, your family will make it if laundry isn't done everyday, the house isn't perfect, and frozen pizza is all you have time to scrounge up? Well, I have to say I am a survivor of that crazy phase of life. And to be honest there are moments I even miss it (except the no sleeping:). I miss hearing the chattering, singing, toys crashing, and the pitter patter of little feet. So those of you that are possibly in that wonderful, crazy, sleep deprived stage, I can promise you goes by so fast, so try to enjoy the little things. (And you will sleep again someday) (Disclaimer: I am aware that at anytime one can go back to a former "phase of life")
So what is next for me......more time for BAKING!!!!! More time to learn cake decorating, bread making, marketing, rearranging bakery get the picture. Oh, and I might throw in some "I will try when the kids are in school items"....such as learn to play guitar, relax (a little), take time to exercise (I did once, does that count?;), read the bible more, keep house clean, laundry done, etc.
Some new items I am adding to the menu.....
1. CUPCAKES- $12dz for mini, $20dz for regular size. I offer the same flavor cupcakes as cake flavors. Add additional cost for cupcake toppers.
2. FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS ONLY- $20 basic smash cakes! I offer a marshmallow frosting (see below photo) or buttercream.

Some other changes to note-
1. Sweet rolls come in different size packages now. You can get 1 dozen/ $12. Or 4 rolls/$5. The rolls in packages of 4 are a little bigger. Carmel pecan or Carmel still come in dozen or half dozen packages.