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My Story

I am going to start at the very beginning.... 10 years ago I got married and honestly had spent very little time in the kitchen prier to marriage . My husband got to be my guinea pig:) I decided one day to try and make cinnamon rolls. I had made them for 4-H at my grandma's (when I was 10) so I tried to remember back that far at the proper steps. (I don't like ask how to do something and we didn't have internet at the time.) I mixed the dough and put it straight into a bowl without kneading it. (yes, I was that green). Needless to say, the flavor was fine, the texture pretty dense. My husband was thrill I even tried...his mom makes the best bread and that is what he was used to (high expectations:) So, I tried again and kneaded the dough this time. I got a "These are very good! What did you do different?" I just smiled and said "It's a secret."

The next few year I was busy with little kids and didn't have much time to continue to practice baking. Never dreaming that I would ever have a baking business. I started to do some other side, bookkeeping, making puppy blankets, selling stuff on ebay. About 3 years ago I started going to a local farmers market. It was once a month April- October. That is when was Kelli's Baked Goods was officially started. After about 2 years of farmers market, I starting taking orders out of my home. I am very thankful to say that I have stayed busy taking orders, so I no longer go to the farmers market. Thanks so much to all of you that pass my name on the your family and friends!

So, now you are probably wondering about the name change. I personally don't like my "name" in my business name and I wanted something more exciting. Well, to be honest coming up with a business name takes a lot of I going to like it long is catchy...can I say it when I answer the phone....will people remember it...etc. So with a lot of input from family and friends, I decided on THE FLOUR BARN. I work with lots of flour (duh) and most of you don't know this but I love red barns. I know what your thinking....there is no barn. (yet) Here is my plan (Lord Willing). My youngest daughter is 4, so the plan is to grow "slowly" until she goes to school. I will continue to bake in my kitchen, take orders, and practice trying new items to add the menu. (taste testers anyone?) Then hopefully in the next couple years, you will see a "barn" be built and the baking business will be moved out of my kitchen. My goal is to provide "good as grandma's" baked goods, in an environment that I can still take care of my family.

Thanks again to all my customers who have supported this adventure and let your friends and family know about me. Also a huge thank you to my sister-in-law Krystal ( who did an awesome job on my logo. Thank you for joining me on this adventure. I love feed back (honest feedback), so please let me know if you like a products, what needs to be different, or if you would like me to try a new product.


© 2016 by Kelli. Proudly created with

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